Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Correspondence June 28, 1987 (notes - part 2)

This is the second part of a post about the types of notes that T and I tended to take when we taped each other. The first part is here.

You'll note that there are two sets of numbers on each page. The number in the upper right refers to the page of notes. The number on the left side is a reference to what side of the tapes that he received that he is taking notes on. Five sides are referenced here. That means that he's responding to a package in which he'd received three tapes from me.

Page 5 (of 7):

Page 6 (of 7):

Page 7 (of 7):


Note: T was a very good chess player as a child and still excellent as an adult. The "postal game" that he refers to is a game of chess. I could play a bit, but I didn't know about formal things such as opening moves and known strategies.

If nothing else, these notes should give a good idea of the range of things we discussed. They included myself, T, our mutual pen pals and those who they knew and spoke of, and whatever things we were doing or were holding our interest at the time. One of my friends was flabbergasted that we could talk for hours as we did. It's not that we never ran out of things to say, but rather that it took quite some time before we did so.

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